This podcast is about my practice of swimming to work, the last of which took place in 2022 when I retired. A swim to work for me was 8 kilometers, from Eynsham Lock to Port Meadow, Oxford. My final swim to work was on a Friday, when I had been accompanied by several friends, to make it a memorable one. While previous swims to work had started early in the so that I could get to work on time – my work place has a shower and I keep a change of clothes there – this one started at the civilised time of nine am, and was followed by a royal welcome by Neil Scott onto his boat on Port Meadow. A red carpet, someone to help me change, pastries and fresh coffee. Then lunch at my Oxford College by several of those who had accompanied me. Then farewells,and afternoon tea with the Master of my College, whose last day it had been too. I hadn’t asked her if she wanted to make it a joint swim to work - it wouldn’t have been an authentic one anyway, given that she gives in the Masters Lodge just minutes away from College in Oxford. The extract is from the book, Memories like Water, an account of my swimming in 65 places at the age of 65 years.
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